Galganov's Easy Recipe for the Double-decker
Clubhouse Sandwich on Pita!

To make this Double-decker Clubhouse Sandwich on Pita recipe you will need:

  • a knife and chopping board
  • a pan or griddle to fry the bacon (or bacon-style product)
  • toothpicks are optional. If you decide to use toothpicks, select decorated ones so they are easily seen)

» Best of Clubhouse Sandwich on Pita Recipes ever «

Clubhouse Sandwich On Pita MethodThe required ingredients for this Double Decker Clubhouse Sandwich on Pita recipe are:
  • 1 1/2 pieces pita
  • mayonnaise
  • mustard (for some)
  • sliced chicken or turkey
  • lettuce
  • 3 pieces of bacon (or bacon-style product) - cooked and sliced to fit on the bread
  • tomato slices
  • ground black or mixed pepper
  • ground white pepper
  • Optional - fresh basil sliced into strips


  1. Split open the half pita as shown - so that you have two half-moons (two 1/4 pieces).
  2. Slice the whole pita in half.
  3. Spread mayonnaise on the lettuce and place your bacon.
  4. Lay down a layer of tomato on the bacon and dust with pepper.
  5. Place the 1/2 moon (quarter piece) of pita on top of the tomato and spread some mayonnaise (or mustard if you prefer).
  6. Lay on sliced chicken.
  7. Optionally, place strips of fresh basil on chicken.
  8. Spread mayonnaise on another piece of lettuce, place it mayo side down on top of the chicken and fold the lettuce over into a half-moon bundle.
  9. Insert the bundle into the 1/2 pita pocket.
  10. Repeat the process with the rest of the pita.

Clubhouse Sandwich On Pita


Want the total experience? Make your own Pita too!

The Background Story
The Clubhouse Sandwich on Pita

... also known as the "Club Sandwich" or the "Double-Decker Sandwich" (and, occasionally as a "Triple-Decker" although this is a misnomer as it is missing one tier for a Triple Decker), this big sandwich is a real treat!

The shortest possible description: "A BLT stacked on top of a chicken sandwich - sharing the middle slice of bread" ... except that this variation on this favourite, classic sandwich is made on pita rather than sliced bread.

While on a classic clubhouse the meat is best cut from the breast (as it gives nice, big slices); with the Double Decker Clubhouse on Pita Sandwich, using the smaller pieces of dark meat cut from the thighs and legs (if you prefer those pieces in your sandwich) is a viable option as the contents of the sandwich sit inside a (pita) pocket and are unlikely to fall out while eating.

We like to mix different types of lettuce and fresh basil when these are in season and available fresh from the garden. This contributes a nice set of flavours to the sandwich.

This variation does not lend itself well to toasting.  It is best on a fresh, soft, slightly chewy pita. Some will use mustard - some won't.  Some will use mayonnaise  - some won't. Some will use butter  while others will not. Some use cheese - some don't.  All variations of the clubhouse sandwich will work just as well on pita as they do on bread although the method of preparation will vary slightly.  You can even toast your pita but we don't think it's a very good variation.

There is the Friday Club Sandwich (we haven't figured out precisely what that is), the California Club Sandwich (any triple-decker with avocado, it seems) ... it's getting confusing!

We prefer (what we believe to be) the traditional - a simple Club Sandwich prepared with Chicken (could be boiled, bar-b-qued, rotisseried [broiled on a rotating spit], roasted ... or prepared any way you prefer) or turkey. Some even use cold-cut style processed chicken or turkey loaf - others will not. Still  some use beef or pork. We still think this is a chicken or turkey sandwich all mayo (and we will sometimes substitute mayo with mustard on the first slice) - stacked under a BLT.

Using our bacon substitutes, this falls into the kosher/hallal style of foods ... and can be made kosher or hallal through the purchase of appropriate, available products.

We use bacon styled turkey or chicken product. A vegetarian might choose to use a combination of seitan and tofu products as texture and flavour substitutes. A vegan might use a hummus spread - very light in garlic ... or a thin spread of baba ganoush in place of mayonnaise. We have not, yet, tried such sandwich combinations.

Break rules - have fun with your sandwich. After all, it's yours, not ours!  Even if "we" don't think it a "club sandwich", you may find the next, great, "Double-Decker on Pita"! This is our preferred "almost traditional clubhouse" sandwich.

With a plate of slaw, some fries and a quarter or even a half of a sour dill pickle - that's a  deli-prepared "Club Sandwich" except for this unique bread choice [described in a menu as] A double- or sometimes triple-decker sandwich with chicken, bacon, lettuce and tomato. Restaurants serving the Jewish community simply dropped the bacon - sometimes varying the name.

So? Make your own "club sandwich on pita" history - but don't forget to enjoy our traditional ingredients too!

Considered trying it on home made pita? It's worth the extra effort!

Prefer the classic double-decker clubhouse sandwich on sliced bread? Click Here for the recipe!

Do you LOVE the traditional clubhouse sandwich? Get it as a wallpaper for your display @!