The Background Story
Chicken Souvlaki
The first time we tried souvlaki, it was lamb. It was served as a heavenly, perfectly balanced sandwich of expertly grilled lamb, with a bit of salad and awash in a delicious, rich, garlicky tzatziki.
This recipe is based on two chicken breasts but is designed to be easily adapted to any number of portions you wish to prepare. No special tools are required except that sufficient skewers are needed.
On Skewers:

pros: Bamboo skewers are disposable. You don't need to worry about damage or bending because you know they're not designed to last.
Bamboo has an organic kind of charm. They can look nice on a plate.
When you're done with them you can recycle them in your compostor
cons: They can burn.
Turning the food can be difficult. Because the skewers are round, food may spin on the skewer when you try to turn it ... and there's no handle (nothing by which to grip the skewer).
pros: Metal skewers lasts for ever.
They have a flat side so turning food with a metal skewer is nice 'n easy.
They are long and hold a nice amount of food (they will certainly hold an entire diced chicken breast).
They usually have an easy to hold handle. (Use a mitt 'cause they get hot!)
Removing food is easy (at least in part because of the handle).
cons: Metal skewers get hot so they are not a pleasure to handle while cooking.
They don't look nice on a plate.

Make Your Own Pita for the most amazing Chicken Souvlaki Sandwiches EVER!