Galganov's Recipe for
One Loaf of the Most Basic Utility White Bread!
To make this basic, utility white bread recipe you will need:
a mixing bowl
a wooden spoon
measuring spoons
a measuring cup
a loaf pan of about 8" x 4" (20 cm x 5 cm) - greased if metal or glass, dry if silicon. Substitute standard sizes with four mini-loaf pans. A baking sheet is a safe and handy option on which to bake mini-loaves
foil (to cover the loaf during the final stage of baking)
The required ingredients for this basic white bread recipe are:
1 cup warm water
1 ½ tsp yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tbs oil
3 to 4 cups flour
» Best of Basic Utility White Bread recipes ever «
Method I (mixing):
Sprinkle yeast onto warm water and let sit a few minutes until it begins to foam.
Add salt, sugar and oil and mix vigorously.
Add one cup flour and beat 100 strong strokes with a wooden spoon.
Add 1 additional cup of flour and work it in then work in 1/2 cup at a time until the stickyness is gone from the dough (add only 1/4 cup at a time as you come near the end - working the dough by hand once it becomes too hard to work with the spoon).
Knead the dough for about 7 minutes - until it feels silky-smooth.
Form the dough into a flat ball and lightly rub a thin coat of oil over the surface of the dough. Then return the dough to the mixing bowl and cover it.
Put the bowl in a warm, draft-free place (we use the oven with the oven light on) and let it rise for 70 minutes (or until the dough has doubled in bulk).
Method II (forming):
Turn dough out onto your (lightly floured) work surface. Press the bubbles out of the dough - flattening it into an oval shape. Cover it with a dish towel and let it rest for about 5 minutes.
Knead and shape the dough and place it in the loaf pan.
Cover the loaf with a piece of parchment paper (or wax paper although it sticks a little more) and let rise in a warm, draft-free place for 50 minutes or until double in bulk.
Method III (baking):
Preheat the oven to:
if metal - 475ºF (246ºC)
if glass or silicon - 455ºF (234ºC)
Put loaf in middle of hot oven and bake for 13 minutes.
after 13 minutes, lower the temperature of the oven to:
if metal - 450ºF (232ºC)
if glass or silicon - 430ºF (221ºC)
and bake for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, cover loaf loosely with a piece of tin foil and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
Tap test (tap the bottom of the loaf) to check for doneness. If tapping the bottom of the loaf yields a hollow sound the loaf is cooked. Otherwise, return the loaf to the oven for just a few minutes more.
When cooked, move to a wire rack to cool.
Tips & Tricks:
A Bread-baker's Tip: Covering the loaf with foil in the final stages of baking yields a softer crust. If you like a very soft crust cover it earlier in the second stage of baking ... or not at all if you prefer a crustier bread.(Do not cover the loaf in the first stage of baking.)
To soften the crust bag your bread in plastic for a minimum of 4 hours ... or even more but only after the loaf cools fully (minimum 4 hours).
The Background Story
Basic White Bread
As with most of our recipes, pretty much no special tools are required to make this basic white bread. While this basic white bread recipe may not sound exciting it is, in fact, the foundation for so many other breads. In itself it is not sweet or salty or rich with milk. What this basic loaf of bread is, is French Toast waiting for a place to happen. This basic loaf is bread crumbs - un-crumbed. It is the foundation of so many wonderful variations that, if you never learn another recipe, this is the one bread recipe you will really need. If you are of the Jewish faith, it is Pareve (can be used with milk or meat). This bread is the pallette upon which you put what ever decoration strikes your fancy.
Mostly oil free, this loaf of about a pound (around 500g) has only one teaspoon of salt and sugar. While you may elect to make small adjustments based on taste, this vegan loaf is the perfect foundation bread.

Use this recipe to make one of these recipes: