Galganov's Recipe for Delicious
Vegan Baked Beans!
Let's go make some fantastic Vegan Baked Beans!
To make this Vegan Baked Beans recipe you will need:
a bowl to soak the beans
a good bean pot - minimum 3.5 liter/quart (we use porcelain-lined cast iron but stainless steel [as we used to use] or tradtional, plain cast iron or ceramic are great although ceramic may mean doing the pre-fry in a separate pot - adding a step)
measuring cups
measuring spoons
wood cooking spoon
a colander (to drain the beans)
» Best of Vegan Baked Beans recipes ever «
The required ingredients for this Vegan Baked Beans recipe are:
2 1/2 C dry navy beans (or your bean of choice)
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 medium onion - diced
2 medium-small cloves garlic
ground pepper (and about 10 [or so] whole pepper kernels if you like surprises)
2 bay leaves
1 dried chili pepper
2 stalks celery (reserve any available leaf)
1 Tbsp minced or dry basil
3/4 tsp minced or dry oregano
5 C diced tomatoes
1 Tbsp maple syrup (or you prefered sweetener
1/4 tsp + a pinch ground cumin
1 1/2" (4 cm) cinammon stick
1 Tbsp white vinegar
Vegetable juice
1 heaping Tbsp dried or minced parsley
1 tsp salt
Wash the beans well, sorting them for poor quality (discoloured, etc) beans and foreign matter.
Soak dried beans in clear, cool water mixed with 1/4 txp baking soda (water should be about 2+ inches [5+ cm] over the beans) for about 5 hours.
Drain the beans of liquid and rinse them again.
Preheat oven to 325o f (160o c)
In oil, in your pot on the stove-top, fry diced onion and minced garlic until glossy
add in and fry, lightly, 1 dried, red chili pepper, 2 bay leaves, 1 1/2" (4 cm) cinnamon stick, diced celery, basil, oregano, and (optionally) about 10 whole pepper corns.
add ground pepper and cumin and stir in.
Add drained beans, stir and fry lightly.
Add 5 cups diced tomatoes and stir in.
Add 1/2 cup water (use less water if your tomatoes are very watery).
Add 1 Tbsp white vinegar.
Cover beans with vegetable juice.
Add 1 Tbsp maple syrup and stir in well (or your prefered sweetener - molasses is traditional in Boston Baked beans. We prefer the flavour of maple syrup - more traditional in Maine, U.S.A. or Quebec, Canada).
Bring to a boil.
Stir in reserved celery leaves and 1 heaping Tbsp dried or minced parsley.
Once boiling, move to the oven to bake - checking periodically to stir and add vegetable juice and/or water as needed.
When cooked so that the beans are tender to your liking, take them from the oven and add about 1/2 tsp salt. Stir well and add additional salt carefully - keeping in mind that as the beans sit, the flavours (including the salt) will change and may intensify a little.

Tips & Tricks:
Under-cook the beans only a little - they will soften, still, as you reheat them.
Add only a Tablespoon of sweetener initially, Over-sweetened baked beans cannot be unsweetened.
Add salt only after cooking - at the end of the baking process.
Taste carefully - not adding enough water will make the taste too pungent while too much will cause it to taste thin.
Baked beans get most of their colour, not while cooking, rather, while sitting over night. They will aquire that wonderful orange-brown color you know on the second day - but don't worry - they're always delicious regardless of colour.
The Background Story
Vegan Baked Beans
So much can be said about baked beans. This dish has a history of hundreds of years. It is typically prepared with a bean native to North America - the "navy bean", also known as "haricot bean". While navy beans are most common, we have tried preparing them with pea beans and black eyed peas. They're best with navy beans (but go ahead and try everything you wish - you'll learn your own favourites)!
This recipe is not for Boston baked beans. Boston baked beans are prepared with pork. This is a vegan recipe and, so, is adaptable at any given sitting - to the vegan, vegetarian or the meat-eater's plate by the simple addition of cheese for a vegetarian who prefers this (we like a firm cheese that only partially melts such as a diced, medium gouda or emental) or sliced sausage for the person who must have meat. Still, served up with no additions, this is a fantastically healthy, fun and satisfying vegan dish!
Baked beans are also perfect as a side dish to almost any meal. We enjoy, on occasion, beans and eggs; or beans, sausages and eggs ... or steak 'n eggs and beans or, as the English like it, beans on toast. Of course, one of our absolute favourite ways to enjoy beans is the Baked Bean Pizza!
We, here, find plain beans best with fresh, home made pita, french bread; a deep-crusted, chewy Calabrese bread ... or even a basic, Italian white bread is wonderful with beans - but you will find (if you don't already know) your own favorite way.

... And who doesn't enjoy a little bean ditty? Here are a few for you:
Beans, beans they are good for your heart.
The more you eat, the more you fart.
The more you fart, the more you eat,
The more you sit on the toilet seat!
Beans beans beans beans,
Beans beans beans beans,
Beans are good for a broken heart,
The more you eat the more you fart,
The more you fart the better you feel,
So eat your beans in every meal,
Beans beans beans beans,
Beans beans beans beans...
Beans, beans, are good for your heart,
They make you strong and make you fart.
A fart is a bubble of compressed air,
Which gives the body ease.
It warms the bed on a frosty night,
And suffocates the fleas!
Beans, beans the musical fruit
The more you eat, the more you toot!
Beans, beans they are good for your heart.
The more you eat, the more you fart.
The more you fart, the more you eat,
The more you sit on the toilet seat!
Beans, Beans the magical fruit,
The more you eat, the more you toot,
The more you toot the better you feel,
So lift your leg and let it squeal!